
BPT Safeguarding

Safeguarding Statement

The Black Prince Trust (BPT) believes that all Children, Young People, Vulnerable Adults and Adults at Risk are entitled to protection from harm and have the right to take part in sport and leisure activities in a safe, positive and enjoyable environment.

We recognise our Duty of Care responsibilities regarding the Safeguarding and welfare of all children, young people, vulnerable adults and adults at risk, and we are committed to implementing a good Safeguarding Practice to protect them.

BPT is committed to working in partnership with organisations, clubs and groups that provide physical and recreational activities, to promote and deliver the best possible Safeguarding Practice when working with children, young people, vulnerable adults and adults at risk.

BPT Community Hub is an open access community facility open to everyone in our local community, 9am-10pm Monday to Friday and 9am-5pm on weekends. We run the site in this way to ensure that it is openly accessible and welcoming to everyone, especially those who might feel marginalised or unwelcome in more traditional sporting environments.

We actively recognise that we accommodate all Children and Young People and Vulnerable Adults including those at risk and as a staff team share in a deep vigilance to protect everyone we come into contact with.

How you can help and Guidance for Parents and Carers

We ask for all site users to report any concerns to our safeguarding team at on approach a member of the Designated Safeguarding Team on site:

Kaity Hall

Kaity Hall

Progammes & Partnerships Manager

Designated Safeguarding Lead

Richard Joyce

Richard Joyce


Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

Alex Burke

Alex Burke

Community Development Officer

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

We ask Parents and Carers to drop and collect children at sessions and leave the site while children are taking part in sessions; or where parents are happy for children to travel independently, to encourage them to travel in groups with other participants attending sessions.

Changing Facilities

BPT has two changing facilities – one female and one male – for use by adults, children and young people. This is on a communal basis i.e. there are no individual cubicles. These facilities are openly accessible as part of our community remit to create an inclusive and welcoming hub accessible for all.

BPT does not have sufficient staff resources to supervise these facilities.

BPT ask partners and parents and carers where possible to ensure children have already changed in time for activities. Where children need to use changing facilities that are unsupervised, we encourage children to go in pairs of the same gender, and to inform session coaches and/or BPT staff when they go to use changing facilities and when they have departed these facilities, if they are not returning to the session.

Mobile phone use for filming and photography

BPT discourages the use of mobile phones for filming and photography by site users during active sessions. Any filming for publicity purposes by BPT or its partners will be undertaken with active consent; and we encourage everyone to express their views about being filmed, especially if they have concerns.

Policy & Procedures

Our Safeguarding Policy and Procedures provides guidance for all BPT Staff, Volunteers, Trustees and Delivery Partners who deliver activity onsite at BPT, who may come across concerns regarding the Safeguarding and Protection of Children, Young People, Vulnerable Adults and Adults at Risk within the context of their work. Copies of these can be viewed below.