


The Black Prince Trust is home to a thriving boxing gym, where we have a brilliant combination of activities taking place every week. From amateur level training with our resident boxing club, to boxercise or mental health classes, our boxing delivery supports participants from all backgrounds and abilities.

Across our community programmes we aim to deliver outcomes aligned to Black Prince Trust’s four  Social Outcomes – Participation; Equality, Diversity and Inclusion; Health & Wellbeing; and Education, Training & Lifelong Learning – and this is evidenced by openly accessible boxing programmes.

Our facility also includes a mezzanine gym area, where we deliver a wide-ranging community fitness programme, including both open gym sessions and coached classes, delivered by our partners and personal trainers. All boxing and community fitness classes are free of charge except for the competition-focussed amateur boxing club which carries a small membership fee to cover the costs of competing against other clubs. Anyone in our community regardless of age or gender can find a weekly boxing or fitness session they could attend for free.

Working in partnership with Don Davis Boxing Academy, Fight 4 Change, and Steel Warriors we aim to offer a diverse range of activities for all members of our community.

Through funding from Sport England’s The Movement fund, we have been able to open our recently refurbished Mezzanine Gym for the BPT community fitness programme. Providing free access to fitness sessions and a gym space for all ages. Once a week, we hold specific group sessions for adults including female-only classes, as well as separate U18 girls and U18 boys. These are complimented with multiple open gym sessions and a mixed coached class as well.

We are always looking for opportunities to work with new partners and organisations to grow our offer whilst looking for new corporate and charitable funding opportunities to expand on our programme and embrace new areas that can provide for our community including but not limited to disability; women and girls; refugees, mental health; and education and training.

If you would like to learn more about Boxing and Fitness at BPT please contact our Community Development Officer Alex,

When Michael B Jordan came and surprised a local school during their boxing session at the Hub!

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