BPT Safeguarding Update

12th July 2024

The Black Prince Trust (BPT) believes that all Children, Young People, Vulnerable Adults and Adults at Risk are entitled to protection from harm and have the right to take part in sport and leisure activities in a safe, positive and enjoyable environment.

Over the last two months we have been working with Safeguarding Consultant Catherine Rushforth to update and finalise our Safeguarding Policy, Child Protection Procedures and Adult at Risk Procedures to ensure that these are up to date and relevant to our unique site.

Over the next few weeks our staff will be undertaking new training to update them on the new Policy and Procedures as well as see the launch of our new page on the website where these documents will be accessible to all.

This page also includes some guidance for parents and carers related to understanding safeguarding at BPT and how we manage the site.

Safeguarding | Black Prince Trust

Our dedicated safeguarding team, Kaity, Rich and Alex are committed to ensuring the safety and well-being of all here at BPT, if you ever have cause for concern or wish to report on anything please don’t hesitate to contact us on safeguarding@blackprincetrust.org.uk

Kaity Hall
Richard Joyce
Alex Burke

Kaity Hall

Designated Safeguarding Lead

Programmes and Partnerships Manager

Richard Joyce

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

CEO Black Prince Trust

Alex Burke

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

Community Development Officer