24 April 2024
The Black Prince Trusts 9-day holiday camp spanning from the 2nd –12th of April, proved yet again to be a popular destination for children and young people to spend their well-deserved time off school. Funded through the Lambeth Council Holiday Activities and Food Programme (HAF) we were not only able to provide an exceptional 4 hours of sports and physical activity delivery each day, but also have the funding and resources to provide a free lunch to each child attending, with 106 unique attendees over the 9 sessions averaging 28 children per session.
Our days started with a 2-hour multi-sport offer delivered by our regular delivery partners Quadrent Performance Academy (QPA), with Nelson and Matthew leading the way. The children were treated to a range of different activities, including dodgeball, netball, playground games and futsal. Lunches, prepared and delivered to the Space by BPT’s Leanne and Ashleen were welcomed, providing a range of sandwiches, healthy snacks, and drinks. The afternoons saw either Football, delivered by QPA or Basketball, delivered by Blaw Basketball coaches, Benji and Tyrell.
Wednesday the 10th saw a slight change to our usual delivery, with the morning session hosting Pickleball, delivered by Kyle Rossi and supported by QPA. The kids were engaged in what is a lesser known, but growing sport in the younger age groups, who enjoyed the opportunity to learn new skills and try out something new. The afternoon then saw the introduction of Flag Football, delivered by BigKid coaches Joanathan and Jochebed. The session proved hugely successful with some kids trying out the sport for the first time, leaving a lasting impression on all children.
We would like to thank our delivery partners, QPA, Blaw and BigKid as well as the wider BPT community team and our committed volunteers, Celastino, Raf, Josh, Keiren and Liam who were essential in the support of delivery of these camps.
Nelson, QPA – “What a great 2 weeks we had at the BPT Easter Half Term Camp! We had over 90 individual young people test their skills at dodgeball, netball, fitness and football! This Easter we were also able to reward several of our young people for displaying positive attitudes and behaviours, including punctuality, being courteous to staff and friends, determination and hard-work, amongst many other qualities
The young people really applied themselves to everything and were rewarded in the Staff Vs Kids Dodgeball game that capped off our week. Their bravery, hard-work and team-work saw them battle against staff very closely! Our young people also got to experience a new sport in pickleball, and really loved it! We can’t wait for May half term to roll on and improve our delivery for our young people”
Benji, Blaw Coach – “It was an absolute pleasure to work the Easter camp with BPT. Each day was filled with exhilarating drills and exercises, which kept the young campers on their toes and keen for more! Many thanks to BPT for the opportunity and I already look forward to the next one.”
Here is what some of the parents had to say –
‘He enjoyed all aspects of the club and wants to attend again.’
‘Even though my child didn’t know anyone else he had a great time – thank you’
‘My son greatly enjoys the sessions at BPT, thank you’
‘My kids love coming to Black Prince Trust, especially in the holidays where they can be active and kept away from gadgets’
We are looking forward to welcoming back as many young people for our May Half term Camps in the coming weeks. To book on please see our website Upcoming events – Booking by Bookwhen